Tuesday 2 May 2017

Help Me Build My First Stream PC!

Hi there,

Help me build my first stream PC so that i can start my own channel on YouTube and Twitch. I am a student studying in 1st year of my college. I can't afford a PC at the moment so if any of you out there can Donate and help can really kick start my channel. Any kind of amount is greatly appreciated!

Thank You! :)

My PayPal:


Aryan Gupta

Tuesday 20 September 2016

5 Must-Have Tools for Highly Effective People

If you don’t consider yourself to be a highly efficient person, you are not getting the most out of everything that you are doing. It is particularly important for business owners to be efficient, and it isn’t always easy because there are always so many things to do. That is why there are apps and tools available that will help anyone to become more efficient and productive. But, which tools are the best to use? To help you become more efficient, we have compiled a list of our top five favorite efficiency tools.

1. XMind

This is the most popular mind mapping tool available today, and now it comes with the Cloud. It is fast and easy to synchronize files across Macs and PC’s. Also, it allows you to view and even edit your mind maps in your browser. XMind has Idea Factory brainstorming mode and over 60,000+ pretty icons to help you clarify thinking and boost your productivity. This is a great tool to use when you want to get input from various groups so all voices can be heard equally. The more you can learn, the more efficient you are going to be, and more will get done. XMind has a free version, and the Pro version only costs $99 now. And, the latest good news is that XMind for iOS will be soon released.
2. Realtime Board
realtime board
Having to wade through dozens or even hundreds or more emails daily can bog you down, and diminish your effectiveness. This tool will help to change all of that. You will never get lost in endless email chains and many messengers when you are using this tool, and you can gather feedback, give comments, mark things up, and see real-time updates. Basically, it will be taking the place of the traditional office whiteboard, and you will be much more efficient.

3. MarketCircle

This app is going to greatly increase your productivity as a small business owner, and the productivity of your business. This is a business app that has been specifically created for the Mac, iPhone, and iPad. You can get a free trial, so there is no risk at all, and you will likely end up paying for this service that is going to help you immensely. Use this app to manage customer relations, schedule meetings, sales, projects, opportunities, emails, and a whole lot more. This is going to help improve your efficiency, and improve productivity in your business, which of course leads to improved sales.

4. Basecamp

It can be really difficult to keep a team interested in a project, and have everyone working on the same page. This app makes things a lot easier. You can use this tool to keep everything organized altogether. Use it for managing multiple emails, chats, and more. This tool has been popular for more than 12 years, and more than 100,000 companies are using it because it is proven to work and increase efficiency and productivity. If all of these companies are using this app, what are you waiting for? Try it today and see just how much it can do to improve your efficiency.

5. Trello

Working with a team can be difficult, but it is a lot easier when you are using this awesome tool. The boards, lists, and cards will let you get more organized, faster. It will also let you prioritize all of your projects in a way that is fun, flexible, and ultimately, rewarding. You can sign up for free, so you have nothing to lose. Enjoy being able to drag and drop cards between lists so you can show progress. Add people as needed and drag them to the cards, and add reorder lists when you need them. Everything you need to know about any current project can be seen at a glance, and updates are in real time.

Sunday 4 October 2015

25 Signs You are Already Successful and You’re Simply Unaware

We have all had that period in our lives where we feel, regardless of what happens, we simply have nothing positive going for us. It’s easy to criticize yourself in just about anything–from your competence in the workplace to how you deal with situations at home–and this can make it easy to become clouded to our own successes in life.
This kind of constant action and lack of clarity can make it easy to believe that you are a failure, even when all the evidence in your life–personally and professionally–points to other conclusions. If you are too busy in life fighting fires, you’ll likely never make the time to actually appreciate your own success and accomplishments. You could already be successful and just not realize it. Here are some signs that is the case:

1. You aren’t controlled by your income.

Many people feel like they are tied to that next paycheque to make things work for them. If you are able to go day-to-day without the worry that you won’t have enough money to last until the end of the month, then you are most definitely a success! You might not be able to afford a Rolex, but if you aren’t living from week-to-week you are a success.

2. You don’t seek praise.

Seeking praise from loved ones and colleagues is something that we typically grow out of in our teenage years. If you aren’t hanging around waiting to get the proverbial pat on the back at work or at home, you are a more successful individual than you might even know. Being able to do your part without looking for praise is a strong sign of mental security.

3. You suffer less drama.

Look back even just a year in your life: are you finding that things are quieter? At home and at work? If this is the case then you can probably say that your life is pretty successful–a lack of chaos points to order and harmony.

4. You have a plan.

Success is built on structure and having a long-term plan to get to where you want to be. If you actually have a framework to follow in your life to reach your life goals, you are already pretty successful. Most people don’t plan ahead!

5. You crave more.

For someone who might feel like they aren’t doing well very in life, if you tend to look for more from any situation you are already on your way to success. Ambition and a desire for knowledge points to a determined individual who seeks to better themselves.

6. You are an early bird.

You know the old saying. The early bird catches the worm. If you are to make your life a success, you can’t be starting each day in the afternoon. When you find that you are jumping out of bed, ready to attack the day, you can probably point to a successful lifestyle and personality.

7. You are socially active.

Success tends to come in many different ways, not just your rank or your pay packet. If you are able to get involved in many different situations with a variety of social circles you can point to a healthy and harmonious life–people don’t tend to stick around toxic personalities.

8. You offer mutual respect.

Success tends to come from your own experiences in life, including going through stresses and difficulties. If you understand the value of treating others with respect, you already harness one of the most important aspects of success.

9. You wish to help others.

Again, your success in this world goes far beyond the cost of your car. If you are able to provide people with a solid base to work with, and act as a pillar of strength for colleagues, success is not too far off.

10. You are driven.

Anybody without an engine and a willingness to get through the hard times and the difficulties will struggle to succeed. If you don’t mind getting your sleeves rolled up and your hands dirty, you are better off than you think.

11. You possess confidence without arrogance.

The big difference between a successful person and someone who believes they are successful is the way they conduct themselves. If you can show some genuine humility for others, whilst inspiring those who are struggling, you are already a successful individual

12. You have fought back.

We have already touched on how failure can be the point needed to succeed. You need to hit the bottom before you can reach the top. Being able to battle back from a position of failure to success–any success–is a sign of an iron-willed individual with the nous to succeed in life.

13. You strive to improve.

Many people fall into the trap of believing that they “made it”. When you always look to improve on the previous performance, even if it was spectacular, you are setting yourself up to be a long-term success.

14. You have discipline.

Discipline can only come from being a success and seeing how things have gone in the past. Learning how not to make mistakes and how to make the right call is vital to being a long-term success.

15. You preach patience.

Patience is a virtue that the most successful people emit on a large-scale basis. Without patience, it can be hard to ever make the type of impact that you originally intended in any work or personal environment.

16. You can say no.

We spoke earlier about the power of being able to avoid needing to be praised–this is the same ideal. If you are able to say no then you have already avoided the need to please everyone. This is the sign of a successful individual.

17. You manage time well.

Time management is a sign of long-term success, and being able to use the time in any given day to be productive is the sign of a successful person. Capable of dealing with plenty of tasks in any given day? You are already a success.

18. You have successful friends.

Success around you is the easiest way to inspire yourself. If you find yourself surrounded by those who are also doing well it can be easier to actually improve and develop yourself in the right manner.

19. You don’t blame others.

You have reached a point in your life where you fully understand what it means to take ownership of your actions and not target others for your frustrations and failures. That comes about from being active rather than passive, and noticing your inner power to transform your life. It also speaks to your ability to prevent the environment from leading you down a direction you do not desire.

20. You don’t waste your time.

Long gone are the days when you let others drag you along and make you invest your time in activities you deemed boring or even counterproductive to your self-development and self-esteem. Your greater sense of direction empowers you to know what you want without needing other´s approval.

21. You are assertive.

You understand that simply saying yes or no is not enough. Explaining your reasons in a clear manner is essential for others to understand that you are an individual with your own thoughts and needs. This does not mean being inflexible, but while being understanding you should never let anyone bend your way.

22. You stay positive.

You have learnt the hard way that being negative or skeptical to justify your potential defeats and failures does not serve any purpose. Not only it does make you feel unable and anxious, but also does affect the final outcome. By being positive and honest at pursuing your goals you will unleash the true achiever within you.

23. You take care of your health.

Quitting harmful activities that stop you from working towards the brighter future you have always dreamt is a powerful step. Be it smoking, taking drugs, eating too much saturated fats and sugar, or not exercising, you understand that leaving all of those behind will turn you into a stronger individual with greater drive and willpower.

24. You don’t seek a relationship to solve your personal issues.

It is easy to hide our failures behind someone who loves us. But, it is a bit immature for both sides in a relationship to stop tackling the real issues that harm each other’s lives. It is not a good idea to avoid helping the other towards becoming a better person just because it is easier not doing it or because “things are just fine as they are”.

25. You are mature.

When bad situations unfold in the workplace, or you need to deal with the individual who you have a problem with. A sign of success is being able to put personal grievances to the side for professional gain.
It’s always important to remind yourself that success isn’t something that can be judged so materially. If you are able to look at your lifestyle and understand that you do things in a mature, social and effective manner then you are already far more successful than any slap on the back will ever make you feel.
Success comes from acceptance of your own skills and abilities, not what somebody you might never have met before tells you.

Thursday 6 August 2015

10 Writing Tips For Bloggers

Are you a blogger looking to improve your blog?
Most bloggers understand the importance of providing quality content. When your articles are all of high quality, there are lots of rewards. Among the benefits of improving your content is that you can build up a strong readership, and your articles are more likely to be shared on other social media platforms.
Check out these 10 handy tips for bloggers.

1. Make Your Content Something You Are Knowledgeable and Passionate About

Most successful bloggers understand that writing useful, quality content will attract more readers. Think of something you are both knowledgeable and passionate about – some good examples are cooking, crafts, parenting or technology reviews.
Whatever you choose, it is likely you will be writing a few posts every week, so choose a subject you can write a lot about.

2. Create A List Of Blog Post Ideas

Take a few hours to write down as many ideas for blog posts as you can. This will help you stick to blogging when you’re struggling to come up with new ideas, and it can be a great way for new bloggers to decide on a direction for their blog overall.

3. Think About How To Make Your Content Unique

The internet is so huge, it is extremely unlikely you are the only person blogging about your chosen topic. Don’t feel disheartened by this, as your content can still be relevant and original.
Try checking out similar blogs, and thinking about how you could put an original twist on your own blog.
Ask yourself these questions
- Could you find a niche within your chosen subject?
- Is there an area other blogs seem to have skimmed over?

4. Don’t Proofread Your Post Straight Away

Unless you are immediately sharing your post, try to proofread your post a day later. Often the text is very fresh in your mind, so you can struggle to see all of the corrections you need to make.
Come back later with a fresh mind to ensure you proofread your post properly.

5. Focus On Your Opening Line

Aim to make your first sentence amazing – the opening line of your blog post is one of the most important. If you write an engaging, interesting opening line, you are more likely to draw your readers in so that they want to keep on reading.
There are various ways to do this – you can draw your readers in with a rhetorical question, or you could intrigue them by saying something unexpected.

6. Develop A Writing Voice

Popular bloggers normally have a certain style they choose to write in. This makes their posts consistent, and will help you to get used to writing in a blogging style.
Think about how you want your posts to come across. Do you want to seem light-hearted and colloquial, or perhaps more serious?

7. Stay On Topic

To make sure your blog post stays focused and useful, re-read your title after you finish each paragraph. This can help you to make your writing even more professional, as well as making your posts even handier for your readers.

8. Put Thought And Effort Into Your Title

Normally bloggers who run very popular and successful blogs use interesting, eye-catching titles. The title is the first thing your readers will see, and will determine if they will read the article or not. There are lots of methods to creating a great title; you could use a heading that causes controversy, make it amusing or thought-provoking, or you could ask a question.

9. Make Your Posts Timeless

Popular blogs often feature timeless posts, which are just as relevant to readers years after they were actually written. Timeless posts are great for bloggers, as your post will continue to receive likes, comments and shares without any prompting from you.
It is very likely that you could create some timeless posts, so consider writing a short list of timeless subjects within your niche.

10. Focus On The Point Of Your Post

Many bloggers can struggle to continuously come up with new and unique ideas for blog posts, but without a focus point, your post may be less useful. You already know what the subject of your blog is, so ask yourself these questions if you’re struggling to find a point in your post:
- What am I trying to communicate?
- How does this benefit my reader?

Tuesday 21 July 2015

5 Things About Investing That You’ll Regret Not Knowing by Age 30

You are never too young to start saving money, investing and planning your financial future. Most parents nowadays advise their sons and daughters to start thinking financially as early as their teenage years. The art of saving and investing money is a learning process, but you will never learn anything until you experience it.
Below are five tips you need to know in order to change things around for the better. They’ll give you insights about investment that will help you establish a stable financial future.

1. Recognize the importance of inflation.

Do you know why investing, not saving, is the best path for you if you want to achieve your long-term financial goals? It has everything to do with inflation. Inflation means that the prices of goods and services went up by an average of 1.5% last year. How about your money in your bank savings account? It grew by an average of around 0.87%. So if you want your money to grow and not just sleep securely in the bank, don’t just save. Investing will provide better rates of return and more chances for your money to work for you.

2. Automate your money management system. 

Automation takes out the emotional factor in your personal finance. Instead of you painstakingly forcing yourself to save or invest every month, it’s more convenient — and more effective — to set up an investing system, monitor it every month and just “forget” about withdrawing it prematurely.

3. Before investing, secure an emergency fund first.

Opening a bank account for your emergency fund is a necessity nowadays, whether you have job or not. Although the interest rate of bank accounts is negligible, the sole purpose of putting your money in a bank is the security it provides and the convenience of withdrawing money from ATMs. Having a bank account influences you to consistently deposit money in your account so that it will grow over time and provide a nice financial cushion.
Force yourself to monitor your daily balance. After all, no one wants to look at an empty bank account, right?

4. Start learning more about investing for beginners.

Learning the art of investing your money yields great monetary gain if done successfully.
For beginners, seek help or do research. Find someone trustworthy. This professional should have an extensive knowledge about monetary investments. You can also attend seminars done by company firms or you can pay someone to do it for you. A basic understanding of financial management is a major plus when venturing into investment opportunities.

5. Start saving for retirement now.

Thinking of the future gives you a better idea of what to do and how to act now. At some point in your life, you will need to retire from your job and rely on your retirement funds. Having a retirement plan during your career is one way to ensure a steady flow of income when you retire. But if you do not want to avail yourself of any kind of plan because of your limited income, you can always set aside a fixed portion of your monthly salary and enroll in a monthly investment program.
Discipline is the key here — you need to commit a specific amount monthly and consistently. Setting a target balance for your retirement fund monthly, not annually, ensures that you will be forced to invest a fixed amount of your salary every cut-off. The sooner you start this process, the larger your retirement fund can be in the future.
Pursuing a stable financial future is a life-long endeavor. Learning the hard things as young as possible gives you the experiences and knowledge to commit to whatever financial moves you will make in the future.
Start now and start early!