I’ll admit it. I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and gosh darn it people like me! Okay, I don’t want to get all Stuart Smalley on everyone, but in the past, I would have never been able to say this about myself.
I’m an introverted guy who prefers to be in quiet places.
I used to hate this about myself. After all, those weren’t the guys who got all the ladies. I wanted to be that guy who everyone flocked to and paid attention to. If only I could appear more confident, THEN people would be interested in me.
The truth is, I wasn’t using what I already had to get more of what I wanted. Instead of trying to be someone I wasn’t, I now embrace and accept the person I already am. You can too. When you begin to do the same, these 10 amazing things will happen.
1. You will see new opportunities
When you are aware of what you are really good at, doors will open for you because you are able to walk through them. Everyone has a unique perspective and something to offer the world around them. Often, we can’t see those opportunities because we are so caught up in what we should have done or who we think we should be.
2. You will become more aware of the world around you
Your mind becomes clearer and focused when you stop worrying about who you should be. You are able to help other people and see their problems as their problems, not your own. You will begin to understand the root of problems without judging them from your own perspective. You will see the world just the way it is.
3. You will no longer see yourself as a failure
I used to believe that I was in fact, a failure. It’s as if there is one definition of failure, and I was certainly convinced I was THE definition. The truth is, we try many things in life and not everything is going to work out as we planned. Nobody gets everything right and when people do get it right, they’ve often failed many times to get to that point.
4. You will embrace the life stage you are in
I wish I realized this sooner. I used to live in the future. At any one age, I wanted to be older. Then, when I reached that age, I’d want to be another age! If only I could get to 30, I thought to myself, THEN I’d have it all figured out. When you accept yourself as you already are, you will enjoy the life you have right now.
5. You will meet more people like you
When you stop trying to be someone else, you begin to realize that there are actually more people who share similar interests, values, and a personality like yours. It’s actually quite easy and you’ll find that people are basically the same and want the same things you do.
6. You will attract the right person
I’m not talking about willing something to happen or sitting alone and thinking your way to love. But, when you act out of a place of acceptance, more people will begin to accept you. In other words, the right people will be attracted to you when they see your best qualities because you show themthose qualities.
7. You will stop comparing yourself to others
In the past, I wanted to be stronger, better looking, more interesting, more successful. compared myself to people I wanted to be and when I didn’t live up to those standards, I was even harder on myself. I often forgot that the people I wanted to be like, were also people themselves and, we just don’t often know what they might also be struggling with.
8. You will be grateful for what you do have
You will stop complaining so much about everything you don’t have and will notice the little things in life that you do have. There are many people in this world who would gladly trade places with you. If you are reading this right now, you are a privileged minority. It’s hard to be grateful when you aren’t happy, but try and be grateful for just one thing that you DO have.
9. You will live a life of abundance
The world is a big place. There is more than enough for anyone. You will begin to see where this abundance lies in your own life, because you care less about how other people view you and can focus on what matters. When you act out of a place of acceptance, life becomes more abundant in areas you never knew were possible.
10. You will love yourself, every day
This was the hardest lesson for me to learn. I thought that I needed to fix and help other people. The reality is that I needed to fix who I was. I needed to deal with my own issues before I could truly help others. Tell yourself you love yourself, even if you don’t believe it, because this is when you REALLY need to hear yourself say it.
Many of us get stuck in that place of fear, doubt, and shame that holds us back from realizing our true potential. When we can accept that we are simply human, it becomes easier to accept who we are as individuals. All of us have something to offer this massive, abundant world. Yes, even you.
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